Report of gap year

7 psl. / 877 žod.



A gap year is a period of time which commonly taken after high school and prior to post-secondary education, in order to deepen one‘s practical, professional and personal awareness. However, the main problem is the lack of consciousness of the activities how to fulfil the free time during a year off. In order to explain this situation, the online survey has been conducted. It has been surveyed 100 students from Kaunas University of Technology analysing their experience and thoughts about gap year. This research illustrates that there are merits and downsides about taking the gap year. Moreover, the results of the survey shows that a considerable number of youngsters are not contented with their decisions and are not aware of conventional ways spending the gap year. Therefore, there are numerous ways and tips highlighted in this report which shows how to solve this problem


  • Table of Contents
  • 1. Executive summary3
  • 2. Core3
  • 2.1 Introduction3
  • 2.2 Findings3
  • 2.3Conclusion5
  • 2.4 Recommendations6
  • 3. References7


Anglų kalba
Gru 22, 2019
2019 m.
7 psl.

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