Book report Meg Cabot ‘the princess diaries

5 psl. / 627 žod.


This is a well written story by Meg Cabot. Book genre is humor\romance. It was published in 2001. Main characters: Amelia Thermopolis (Princess Mia), Mia’s mum – Helen, Mia’s grandmother – Marie Renaldo, Mia’s best friend – Lilly, Mia’s best friend brother – Michael, Mia’s father - Philippe Renaldo. The theme of this book is learning to deal with surprises that life throws at you and try to make the most of a bad situation. The main character of this book is Amelia Thermopolis Renaldo. The book tells the story of this main character, who is a princess of Genovia, but does not know it yet. The story is set in New York City. Mia is 14-years-old teenager freshman living with her mother, who is an artist. Story begins at the point, when Mia is living a normal life and suffers from normal teen problems. She has a cat named Fat Louie and she has to take care of him. Also Mia is a vegetarian and she cannot eat at her school, because they serve only non-vegetarian food. Her mom, Helen, is really irresponsible and distracted all the time, which makes her life even more difficult. Furthermore, Mia has no social life, which leads to another problem: Amelia does not have a date for the Cultural Diversity Dance. Mia only has a few friends, with whom she can talk to. Amelia’s best friend is Lilly. She helps her to go throw all the harsh problems in her life. But the plot has an unexpected twist, when suddenly this all changes one day when Mia goes to meet her dad at the Plaza Hotel and he reveals that he is the prince of Genovia, a small European principality, and she is the sole heir to the throne. Mia is horrified that she will one day rule Genovia.


Anglų kalba
Lie 26, 2018
"Informacijos neturime"
5 psl.

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