Speech for contest. To be human is to discuss

3 psl. / 1198 žod.


What is the distinction between Man and other animals? This has been THE question bothering philosopher's ever since the discipline of philosophy originated. Aristotle might very well be the one who got the closest to an answer. He contended that humanity has a gift of logos or reason, the central part of which is speech. Other animal species /ˈspiː.ʃiːz/ can communicate by vocalisation, but their cognition does not extend to reasoning ability that is sufficient to engage in discussion. I will endeavour /enˈdev.ər/ - C1 to try to do something to convince you that by using this gift we express our humanity .


Anglų kalba
Rgp 26, 2015
"Informacijos neturime"
3 psl.

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