Childrens life in social risk families

3 psl. / 801 žod.


I am going to present the social problem that warries me most. The problem can be formulated as follows: Children‘s life in social risk families.
First of all, I want to talk about the main terms. What is social problem? Social problem is when social contradictions to the person or group mean discrepancy between the aims and the results. Social problem appears because of fight with various objects. And the problem prevents the satisfaction of social needs. And what is social risk family? It is some kind of family when parents cannot take care of their children properly. Usually such parents are unemployed,they are addicted to alcohol or maybe drugs.
Why did I choose this problem? To begin with, this problem is very frequent in our society. Probably every one of us knows at least one such disadvantaged family. Moreover, it cannot be denied, that family is the foundation of society. So, as a social work student I want to look at this problem and try to solve it.


Anglų kalba
Sau 13, 2014
"Informacijos neturime"
3 psl.

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