Translation features of English phrasal expressions into Lithuanian
The need of translation comes from its necessity to communicate between societies. Translation is an old communicating method between countries throughout the world. Translation is not an easy task, particularly translating culturally-bound expressions as their translation requires not only the knowledge of both languages, but also understand their culture, and have the knowledge of strategies that are used. Newmark states that “translation is a craft consisting in the attempt to replace a written message and / or statement in one language by the same message and / or statement in another language.”' (Newmark, 1981:7). In addition to replace the message, we need a translator. Nida states that the role of translator is “to facilitate the transfer of the message, meaning, and cultural elements from one language into another and create an equivalent response to the receivers.”' (Nida, 1964:13) Phrasal expressions are important and interesting as an object of research within translation studies. Every language has its own phrasal expressions, for this reason it is a challenge for a translator to translate correctly into the target language. To understand and translate phrasal expressions may be difficult, because the meaning cannot be understood from the meanings of single words in phrasal expressions. According to Adiel and Ahmed the process of translating idiomatic expressions becomes even tougher when a translator embarks on translating a stretch of culturally-bound expressions which include cultural, scientific, literary elements (Adiel and Ahmed, 2016:37). In order to translate these culturally-bound elements we need translation strategies. They are necessary because they enable translators to overcome difficulties that might be encountered in the process of translation (Dweik&Thalji, 2016)
The research follows the most recent classification of four translation strategies distinguished by Mona Baker: a) translation by using an idiom of similar meaning and form; b) translation by using an idiom of similar meaning but dissimilar form; c) translation by paraphrase; d) translation by omission of an entire idiom (Baker, 1992)
The object of this bachelor thesis is Phrasal Expressions and their translation from English into Lithuanian.
The aim of this research paper is to analyse translation peculiarities of phrasal expressions from English into Lithuanian. To achieve this aim the following tasks have been set:
- To present a theoretical framework of phrasal expressions and translation.
- To conduct the analysis on phrasal expressions, their classification, qualities and features.
- To distinguish the main strategies employed in translation of phrasal expressions.
The research methods employed in the present study include:
- Analytical method: analyse translation strategies employed in translation of phrasal expressions from English into Lithuanian.
- Descriptive method is used to review different approaches towards phrasal expressions and their translation strategies presented by different linguists.
- Quantitative method is used to find out the frequency of strategies employed in translation of phrasal expressions.
The thesis consists of an introduction, the theoretical part, the practical part, conclusions, a list of references and sources the linguistic data was taken from and an appendix. The introduction defines the object, the aim and the tasks of the present research and the methodology of the research. Part I presents the theoretical background of phrasal expressions. Part II is formed by strategies and methods employed in translation of phrasal expressions. Part III consists of the analysis of the data. Conclusions are provided in a separate chapter. The appendix consists of phrasal expressions collected from the novel The Da Vinci Code.
Scope of the research: 100 examples of phrasal expressions which have been collected from Dan Brown’s novel The Da Vinci Code and its Lithuanian translation.
The significance and motivation of the research: The results of the research can be in compiling dictionaries and translation studies. Phrasal expressions signal cultural differences and similarities which are significant in intercultural communication.
A brief list of abbreviations used in this final thesis has to be provided:
TL – target language;
SL – source language;
TT – target text;
ST – source text.
Analysis of phrasal expressions translation features has been of significant importance in this research. The research has been conducted with reference to the classification provided and types of phrasal expressions distinguished by Makkai, A. 1972. Idiom structure in English, Marcinkevičienė, R. 2001. Tradicinė frazeologija ir kiti stabilūs žodžių junginiai, Mäntylä, K. 2004. Idioms and language users – the effect of the characteristics of idioms on their recognition and interpretation by native and non-native speakers of English, Vinay, J.-P., & Darbelnet, J. A. 1958. Methodology for Translation, Langlotz, A. 2006. Idiomatic Creativity: A Cognitive-Linguistic Model of Idiom-Representation and Idiom-Variation in English, Antrushina G.B., Afanasyeva O.V., Morozova N.N. 1985. English lexicology. Eugene Nida 1964. Toward a science of translating. Fernando, Chitra 1996. Idioms and Idiomaticity, Koller, W. 1979. Einführung in die Übersetzungswissenschaft.
Unit of translation was also of significant importance while analyzing the phrasal expressions. Translation unit definition and its size is discussed by various scholars: Vinay, J.-P., & Darbelnet, J. A 1958. Methodology for Translation, Shuttleworth, M. & M. Cowie. 1997. Dictionary of translation studies, Newmark, P. 1988. A Textbook of Translation.
This paper also relies on linguistic works and articles within the translation field. It is important to mention: Nida, E. A. and C. Taber. 1969. The Theory and Practice of Translation, Lederer, Marianne. 2014 Translation: The Interpretive Model, J.C. Catford 1965. A linguistic theory of translation. Nida, A., & Taber, R. 1982. The Theory and Practice of Translation, Chesterman, Andrew. 1997. Memes of Translation: The spread of ideas in translation theory, Jeremy Munday. 2001. Introducing Translation Studies: Theories and Applications.
Strategies and methods in translation of phrasal expressions are discussed by various linguists: Teilanyo, D I. 2007. Culture in Translation: The Example of J. P. Clark‘s The Ozidi Saga‘ in Babel, Lörscher, W. 1991. Translation Performance, Translation Process and Translation Strategies: A Psycholinguistic Investigation, Chesterman, Andrew. 1997. Memes of Translation : The spread of ideas in translation theory. Zhang, Q. & Jiaqi, W. 2010. Application of Functional Equivalence Theory in English Translation of Chinese Idioms. Strakšienė, M. 2009. Analysis of Idiom Translation Strategies from English into Lithuanian. Phrasal expressions translation strategies which formed the main framework of the study have been discussed by Baker, C. 1992. Attitudes and language.
- 1.1 Unit of translation8
- 1.2 Definition and classification of phrasal expressions and types of meaning9
- 1.3 The notion of translation15
- 3.1 Translation by paraphrase25
- 3.2 Translation by using an idiom of similar meaning and form28
- 3.3 Translation by using an idiom of similar meaning but dissimilar form30
- 3.4 Translation by omission of an entire idiom32
- Autorius
- alisa
- Tipas
- Diplominis darbas
- Dalykas
- Anglų kalba
- Kaina
- €12.87
- Lygis
- Universitetas
- Įkeltas
- Geg 4, 2020
- Publikuotas
- 2018 m.
- Apimtis
- 43 psl.
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