Cell phones can be dangerous.

1 psl. / 651 žod.


Do you know that for 2017 the number of mobile phone users is forecast to reach 4.77 billion? Nowadays, cell phones are the most usefully invention in the world. They can provide us with everything, for example videoconferencing, internet, e-mail, communication and etc. It’s hard to imagine how life would be without cell phones. Now modern cell phones have many advantages and are all in one device, but they can heavily affect our lives. Have you ever heard, that cell phones can be dangerous? Using cell phones involve risks of cancer or even death.

First of all, I would like to start talking about using cell phones while driving. This case could hurt the most, because it creates a bigger risk of getting into an accident. You can hurt yourself or even die, also you could kill other people. This happens because, when you are on the phone, you can easily lose your attention on the road. You are focus on the person who is talking to you and you forget to observe the environment. More dangerous is texting while driving. For example, if you get a message which can affect your emotions, you absolutely forget, that you are driving and you can get into an accident. Texting while driving has taken the biggest percent of car accidents in the last few years.


Anglų kalba
Kov 2, 2019
"Informacijos neturime"
1 psl.

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