Religion in Japan

1 psl. / 486 žod.


Hello, I am Paulina and today I am going to talk about Japanese religions and its importance in Japanese citizen’s daily routine. All around the world, religion is a dominant idea for many cultures, explaining a certain way of living and serving as a basis of faith. In every country different religions are formed because of the historical facts, cultural features and location in the Earth. Shintoism and Buddhism are two major and important religions that dominate in Japan. It’s interesting that Shintoism is as old as Japanese culture. However, Buddhism was imported through the continent in about 6th century. Since then, these two religions have been existing together and a big part of inhabitants consider themselves to both these religions at the same time.

Nowadays, religion doesn’t play a big role in Japanese people everyday life but majority of these people follow the religious rituals for instance birth, wedding and funeral ceremonies, visit shrine or temple on New year and participate in local festivals which have always some religious background.


Anglų kalba
Lap 21, 2018
"Informacijos neturime"
1 psl.

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