Murder of Roland T. Owen
Unknown friend
Owen told the maid to leave the door open because he was waiting for a friend. He seemed scared. At 4 p.m. Maid returned with new towels and found Owen laying on the bed, completely dressed in the dark with the door unlocked. She also saw a note "Don, I will be back in fifteen minutes, wait."
January 4
The next morning, around 7 a.m. the phone operator noticed that Owen's hotel room phone had been off the hook without being in use. She sent the bellboy.
He knocked and heard a low voice say "Come in, turn on the lights." However the door was locked and no one let him in. So the bellboy said "Put the phone on the hook."
Literatūros sąrašas
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- Autorius
- Gretaaa__3
- Tipas
- Prezentacija
- Dalykas
- Anglų kalba
- Kaina
- €1.15
- Lygis
- Universitetas
- Įkeltas
- Sau 15, 2021
- Publikuotas
- 2017 m.
- Apimtis
- 19 skaidr.
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